Parents Plus Early Years Programme One Module Training in Core Delivery 8th October 2024

The Core delivery of the Parents Plus Early Years programme (PPEY) is an alternative to the original delivery format of the programme. The concepts of the original programme and the written materials for parents have been adapted to become more accessible to a wider range of parents.
This alternative delivery allows facilitators to run the programme with individual families in a flexible manner, shaped to their needs over an extended period of time.
For facilitators already trained in the PPEY, we offer a special one-module training on May 28th, 2024, to demonstrate how to use the PPEY Core Programme, which includes an introduction to the new format and content, a recap of solution-focused video feedback skills, and copies of the new Parent Pack and Facilitator notes.
This special one module training to show you how to use the PPEY Core will take place on the 8th October 2024 (9:15am-1:30pm) online via Zoom.
This training workshop will –
*Introduce you to new PPEY core format and content
* Recaps on skills of solution-focused video feedback
Copies of the new Parent Pack and Facilitator notes are included.
You can book a place on this special one-module training via the button below.